5 Tips for Selling Your Book — Even Before It's Published

Last Updated on March 23, 2022

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Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash

As much as the publishing industry has changed throughout the years, one thing has remained constant: Marketing is vital to a book's success. Authors have to start early (ideally two years in advance of a book's publication date) and find the best and most comfortable outlets to get their name out. That can be via a blog, podcast, and one or two social media networks (you don't need to use all of them). Getting your pitch focused clearly and concisely while also amassing the right people to help sell your book can make or break your sales too. Here are some resources that offer helpful tips, as well as first-person accounts of lessons learned the hard way:

  1. “How to Promote Your Book Before It's Published.” A writer for BookBub's Partners program, which helps authors publish and market their books, breaks down the three ways to do just that: create an online presence (do this early!), announce your book, and build buzz for preordering.
  2. “How to Lose a Third of a Million Dollars Without Really Trying.” A debut fiction writer reveals the lack of discussion and support for new authors from publishers about what can, and probably will, happen after they receive their first big check. One, even two, big advances don't necessarily lead to a third.
  3. “What Happened After I Lost My Agent — Twice.” Author Rachel Pieh Jones shows the importance of having both the right people in your corner and a well-defined story and theme to pitch.
  4. Electric Speed July newsletter. Publishing expert Jane Friedman shares resources aimed at new and established authors alike, including tips for speaking and teaching and ideas on how to market yourself as a nonfiction writer.
  5. “Why Will People Buy Your Book?” The award-winning Book Marketing Buzz blog explains that how you sell your book is just as important — if not more so — than what you're selling. When trying to sell your book, you need to get into the mind of your potential buyers, which is what this article helps you do.

If you know of any other articles or blog posts that can help other writers promote their work, please share them in the comments below.

Copyright 2019 by Sharon Goldinger. If you would like to reprint this article, please contact the author directly at pplspeak@att.net for permission.

Sharon Goldinger
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