Copyediting & Line Editing

Copyediting & Line Editing icon (pencil)The copyediting and/or line editing process generally begins after a writer has completed several drafts and entails an in-depth, line-by-line examination of the work. The copyeditor/line editor examines each line and word for clarity, consistency, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar, and syntax; checks logic and credibility; sees whether the chapters flow and the sequence makes sense; trims and shapes overwritten sentences; watches for libelous statements and overused or incorrectly used words; standardizes captions, tables, lists, and bibliographies; catches errors of fact; and notes inconsistencies in logic, sense, and style. Suggestions for revisions cover structure, thesis, narrative, voice, logic, word choice, pacing, and organization. For fiction, this edit also focuses on plot and story, character development, conflict and tension, point of view, dialogue, scene order, and setting.

Note that some editors define copyediting and line editing differently, so be sure to ask what is included before work begins.


  • Sharon Goldinger

    Content editing, copyediting, proofreading, production management, book shepherding, and publishing consulting for nonfiction trade books, including business, health, self-help, and legal. We also edit websites, blogs, and marketing materials.

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  • Monica Faulkner

    Editorial, project management, online marketing, and speaker support services for fiction and nonfiction authors; proposals; screenplays; business marketing materials (written and online).

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  • Lori Kozlowski

    Writer, journalist, editor, and digital media leader, Lori Kozlowski has edited dozens of writers and worked with several companies on content and digital strategy.

    Services: Novel and nonfiction manuscript editing, content strategy and content development, web editing, and ghostwriting.

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  • Merrill Feitell

    Award-winning author of literary fiction with extensive branding and advertising background and a decade of teaching creative writing at graduate and undergraduate levels, Merrill has helped hundreds of writers develop material and prime manuscripts for publication.

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  • Nomi Isak

    Writing coach, developmental editor, and ghostwriter on over 45 published books. With her compassionate approach, Nomi has helped numerous authors complete publishable manuscripts. She also coaches clients experiencing writer's block and helps authors create and meet deadlines. She specializes in memoir and fiction, as well as creative nonfiction.

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  • Kate Zentall

    Writer, co-writer, editor, copyeditor, web content creator & producer, marketing communications specialist, book shaper. Memoir, personal history, parenting, lifestyle, psychology, relationships, profiles, food, self-help, entertainment, products, travel, personal statements, blogs.

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  • Deborah A. Lott, MFA

    Writing, editing: psychology, psychiatry, public health, social science, medicine, particularly gastroenterology, internal medicine, and cardiology, memoir, autobiography and nonfiction narratives; research.

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  • Barbara DeSantis

    Editor, writer, writing coach. Literary and commercial fiction, including young adult. Memoir, personal history, personal essay, narrative nonfiction, self-help, and spirituality. Developmental and line editing, ghostwriting. Manuscript critiques, book proposals, marketing materials. More than 30 years book-publishing experience.

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  • Jenna Rose Robbins

    Ghostwriter, editor, and web consultant with experience producing in-house editorial for such companies as AOL and Disney. Specialties include: memoir, music, travel/cultures, social consciousness.

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